Thursday, 17 April 2014

Day Twenty

So this is how they look after a few hours. I am not correcting them, just letting them sit. I will square each one up just before I glue it.

Nearly all attempts are failures like these. The first bend is assured but the three after that are challenges.

I go shopping. I buy the very fine rod with the hooks in mind and whilst the material is softer than the copper rod it's still too hard to direct with the forceps, with which I can only deliver so much force. I buy the micro tube as an option for the antenna-securing tubes.

Every once in a while I make an OK hook.

I have ten 'candidate' hooks. I intend to make as many as I have to to have twenty that are each one better than the last. It doesn't bother me that they have opened up. Every once in a while I stop what I am doing and make a hook or two. I expect to have my twenty by the end of the weekend.

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