Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Day Six

Day six started well enough. Thought I'd put together these brackets for the spare track links.  

But then at a certain point I realise I've lost two of the three wing nuts. On the carpet. Oh dear God no. After an hour and a half I find one of them. Then I remember someone gave me one of those little hand-held vacuums - a 'dust-buster'. But it is taking forever to charge so I empty my normal vacuum cleaner and try that. I vacuum the area and go through the dust. 'Painstaking'. I do not find Wing Nut No. 3. Missing presumed dead.

I'm going to have to make one. But that won't be too hard in theory, all I need is to stick two tiny circles to a tiny central pillar, and use this hand-made wing nut somewhere out of the way.
To take my mind off my grief I have a go at the brackets. It's harder than it looks, or maybe I don't think it through properly. I get one of them fairly close but the top one is totally mis-aligned. I think I'm going to have to put them in a bath of superglue debonder and try again. Most disappointing effort. But I've worked out what I needed to do now: the little triangle bits needed to be bent a little past their exact position. Then with the central rib in place I could have relied on the strength of the glue at each end to pinch the triangle bits up close to the ends of the ribs. Live and learn. I'm going to have to try the debonding. 

I try to put these two really simple parts in place and it's a poor job, again. But not unredeemable. I can clean up with the knife and I can even run a bit of Aquadhere into the cracks and meeting points - so the brace looks like welded steel rather than ineptly glued etched brass parts.

Tomorrow. I think I've had enough of Day Six. 

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