Yesterday I was musing on this disc thing at bottom right. I don't know what it is but there are three of them on the top deck. I doctored them and was thinking to leave them as they are.
But I was looking through my tool collection and I found this - it's actually for tagging animals' ears. And it cuts out perfect circles that are exactly the right size to reproduce that disc thingie. Winner!
This hatch on the right will be open for the range-finder. All the photos I have say there are no hooks on the outside of this pair of hatches (strange, one would have thought). You can see there's no external hook because of the way the hatch is sitting. But I will enjoy modelling that lozenge-shaped latch there on the inside and maybe I will want to do the hinges.

See, no hook. I don't get it. The hatch next to it has a hook. How was it opened from the outside - pocketknife? Big magnet?
I have a visitor.

Going to build this latch. It's a loop of steel welded to a little block.

Styrene rod .5mm. I am bending this around a steel point and there is also a bit of tweezer action.

1.5mm styrene beam

Pretty certain by now that the styrene glue I'm using either is not working, or I have two or more radically different types of styrene. I use Araldite for this one. When it's dry I'll file it clean up the excess glue very carefully as I suspect styrene is one of the few things that epoxy does not bond so well with.
But the part is a little too big. Silly me. This loop scaled up would be 17.5mm diameter in section. I'll try it with the .3mm copper rod (made by the Lion Roar company). .3 x 35 = 10.5mm.
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